Trekkie 1 is in Open Beta

After a lot more cleanup and configuration than I anticipated, Trekkie 1 is now in Open Beta.  To celebrate, I added a 100% off sale, so there is no reason not to download and play it right now!  All I ask is that you leave any constructive comments in the Discussion Board, and be sure to tell all your friends.  And, if you like the game, be sure to join us on Facebook: Ramshackle Castle Creations.

My hope going forward is to turn Trekkie into a series of short, fun games linked together with a common plot.  I'm already assembling ideas for Trekkie 2.  Your support can make this happen.  Also, I am looking into porting it to MacOS and possibly iOS and Android.  However, that all depends on what sort of interest is out there.  If you would like to see Trekkie on other platforms, please give me a shout!


TrekkieInstaller.exe 578 kB
Feb 19, 2018

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